Belinda Jentz
Waltham, ma©Copyright for all images remains the property of Belinda Jentz-, 

All inquiries regarding the use of and purchasing image use rights must be directed to Belinda Jentz

Not  your Average Image

Belinda Jentz

My Short Biography

1986 when a college buddy and I stumbled across the name while working on an advertising project for a radio sales class we were taking together at Curry College. My buddy is a JD and spins records, I spin images and this is how “spinningimage” came to be.
People frequently ask why I chose the name “Spinningimage” for my business. It goes back to a passage of my many adventures there seems to be an endless rainbow of light, and there is one main component which I believe is my father. Unfortunately, I only have a few photos and stories to remember him. when I was 3 years old, my father died suddenly- there was no time of sickness, no terminal diagnosis, and no period to prepare for the loss. He just disappeared abruptly one day, and I never saw him again. I desire more than anything to hold onto a part of my father. I wanted to find a way to honor him with my life. Although he had done agricultural research with the Green Giant Company, he was a photographer at heart. A great deal of his free time was spent documenting landscapes, trains, and our family with his camera.  It was only after my mom died that I was able to see the albums of the photos he had taken. I now have crafted a gift that got passed down from my father. That playfulness he had with me as a small child, which now often presents itself in quiet spaces.

My epiphany, however, came later. When I started to enter county fairs and found myself coming home with fancy emblem ribbons, I knew then without a doubt that I was a photographer. It was the first time I had ever been sure of anything in my life at age ten. Many people have a career, but their job is distinctly separate from their life and persona. I have no differentiation. My work, my art, and my photography this is who I am.

To this day, I am still driven by the practice of photography. Those frozen moments in time allow me to discover aspects of the subject that I did not see when I clicked the shutter. In what I consider my best work, I always find those new elements. Items not found until processing the shot. I rejoice at seeing life as it is, recording that split second, and photography gives me that opportunity. To put it simply-Photography for me is the fascination, love, and adventure I find in the craft.  Photography can be difficult at best. You have to be on your toes and in tune with your surroundings as well as with yourself.

 In May 2014 after Twenty years of working in Higher Ed, my job suddenly ended. It is heard in the craft of photography. That once again has come to rescue and nourish me, as it did when I started way back as a teenager. To find that tinny space in the world for a few minutes is totally mine. I often find it difficult to devote a set period of time to focus not only on my photography but that on cultivating a spiritual center. Yet it is heard where the two actually met each other. Now almost three years later the two seem to weave new life daily into my fine art and freelance work.